Tuesday, 3 May 2011

Canadian Online Pharmacy Or Mexico Online Pharmacy - Importing Medications And Some Considerations

The use of online pharmacies for the purchase of medications is a widely accepted practice used by consumers looking to find inexpensive and embarrassment free ways to purchase needed medications in a discreet manner. But now comes the topic of discussion, what about the importation of medications from outside of the USA from places like Canada or Mexico or even elsewhere? Is it wise? Are there risks involved both to your health and to your personal finances? What about legal issues? Hopefully this discussion will help to educate, increase awareness and consideration of the many faceted subject of purchasing medications from other countries and importing them into the USA.
First of all what is the main attraction for consumers to consider shopping for medications from other countries? The obvious answer is far cheaper prices for medications out of country than from those available in country. Some of the savings in price per pill from ordering out of country are absolutely astounding, sometimes savings of up to 90% are available - sometimes more - sometimes less, these prices dazzle and amaze consumers and produce an incredible temptation to consider purchasing from out of country, and who can blame them?
What are some considerations that consumers should look at before ordering out of country?
The main consideration for a consumer before ordering out of country should definitely be the issue of legality. Is it legal in State that I live to order medications from Canada, Mexico or overseas? This is a main consideration as ordering some medications may be considered as illegal as purchasing Cocaine from Brazil. So to answer this question it is recommended that you as a consumer will have to do some research, it is recommended to know the brand name and generic name of the medication you wish to purchase. It is also recommended to talk to customs about importation of that substance into your State; also a phone call to the local police station wouldn't hurt either and ask about the legality of importing that substance. A thorough search online about importing a specific medication into your State is also recommended. It is recommended to find out if a medication prescribed out of country is valid in your State for the possession of such a substance. Many people choose to risk it and just order and hope it works out - this is a foolish way to approach something of this nature as the legal results could be disastrous - it is completely up to the consumer to know the local laws about the importation of medications from out of country before ordering.
What are some of the health and financial risks involved in ordering medications out of country? Let's discuss some; when ordering medications from out of country a consumer should be completely assured that the online pharmacy is trustworthy, safe, and has some kind of 3rd party accountability to an online pharmacy checker type program so you can have confidence that no one is racking up charges to your stolen credit card number and also that the medication you are purchasing is a quality top grade trusted pharmaceutical laboratory produced substance. When ordering from verifiable sources you receive the medications shipped to you in their original packages so you know that you are receiving the correct medication whether it is a generic version or a brand name. Too many stories are circulating on the internet about 'medications' arriving in containers that are not original packaging and consumers opening the caplets to find only sand, sugar or sawdust inside instead of the medication they ordered. Other stories of 'medications' arriving in containers that are not original packaging that have impurities, filler mixed in, or who knows what, don't risk your health, its recommended to only accept medications arriving in un-tampered original packaging from a reliable source.
Which countries is it wisest to order medications from? As long as the pharmacy sells medications in the original packages the safety factor is very high, yet a consideration is that the medications even though they are in their original packaging may be 'overdue', every medication has a shelf life and older medications may not be as effective as ones manufactured recently, always ask the online pharmacy to supply you with an expiration date of the medication. As an example, I am looking at a certain brand name bottle of Ibuprofen that has an expiration date written on it of 2009/12. Using the medication after this date may decrease its effectiveness and perhaps in some cases the safety of the substance if it begins to decompose. Buying medications from 1st world countries such as Canada, Australia, the U.K., etc. is typically safer then other countries as the standards in 1st world countries either meet or beat the FDA medication standards in the USA and existing government imposed safety and financial laws which must be abided by the pharmacies that operate in 1st world countries. This may or may not be the case in non-1st world countries.
As a final suggestion, reading and discussing about a certain online pharmacies on an online pharmacy forum is a good suggestion as you can learn from the triumphs and mistakes of other online pharmacy consumer.
Timothy Waterman - EzineArticles Expert AuthorTimothy Waterman
http://www.drug-network.com/ Contact: timothywaterman@drug-network.com Timothy Waterman, the health and medication website optimization expert has created an online pharmacy site long overdue to be available online. The object of the site is to present as many trustworthy health and medication retail sites as possible and provide people with an avenue to discuss their experiences, leave comments and connect with others in the vast sea of available online pharmacies. Hoping to establish an experiential customer based informational site that is valuable to anyone seeking for an online pharmacy.

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